
Friday, July 31, 2009

The Benefits of Prayer

Prayer can lead to much peace & joy. Anyone can do it.

Not everyone will say the name of JESUS, which is a prayer. Nor these prayers - 1. MY JESUS MERCY, 2. JESUS, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY ON ME A SINNER.

May all Non-Orthodox Jews and Christians pray Psalm 150 daily with the Orthodox Jews in Honor of Our Orthodox Judaic Heritage and for unity in the Community.

May all Christians pray an OUR FATHER daily at 3:00 p.m. in Honor of the Crucifixion of Our Blessed Lord and for unity in the Community.

May those who are able say/pray a ROSARY. And others offer THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS &amp and receive the Sacraments.

Anyone interested is invited to pray during the day or night. Often is best. Prayer stores up lots of Holy Treasure. Of course, when we do something we shouldn't we lose some or all of our Holy Treasure - GRACE, especially the Sanctifying kind. Prayer & the Sacraments can restore it!

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