
Friday, September 15, 2006

Family Help in Forming & Informing. Clearly. For Soul Health.

I read recently that Fr. Gruner says that saying the Rosary is a sure way to not fall into error...into heresy. And that if you are in error that praying the Rosary is a sure way to get out of it. He also says that praying the Rosary will help to keep your thoughts clear. He catches my attention with that one. With all of the distractions of the world at our finger tips that is not an easy task.

In our ever so humble minds it is easy to become bogged down...I did not say blogged down...
I am learning to sort and separate the secular from the Sacred in my mind so that what is of the world is clear to me and what is of the Sacred is likewise clear. Or at least clearer.

Then I am focusing on the Sacred and following the parts of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) - the Creed, the Sacraments, the 10 Commandments and Prayer as categories for my life and my files. has a
 daily schedule for this kind of sorting and separating in Catholic Education.

God's graces and blessings, Joan from St. Martha's - updated 01/19/2012

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